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Iarna crypto e aici. Piața criptomonedelor traversează unul dintre cele mai dificile momente ale sale

Illustration of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (bottom-R), Ethereum (C), Ripple (R) and Cardano (L) on a monitor showing a stock barometer, Duesseldorf, Germany, 20 January 2021. Cryptocurrency Bitcoin has experienced drastic ups and downs in recent weeks and months. At times, its price has increased more than fivefold over the course of the year. The price has risen particularly sharply, by more than 100 per cent since mid-December 2020. However, Internet currencies, of which there are now thousands, are known for their extreme price fluctuations. Regulators, such as the German Bafin recently, therefore repeatedly warn against investing in cryptocurrencies. Recently, the president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, called for stricter regulation of Bitcoin. EPA-EFE/,Image: 584864826, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Piața criptomonedelor trece prin una dintre cele mai proaste perioade din existență, anume prin așa-cunoscuta iarnă crypto. De data asta inflația, dobânzile uriașe, dar și incertitudinea din piață stau la baza scăderii masive înregistrate de marile monede virtuale.

În mod așteptat cea mai dură lovitură o resimte Bitcoin care s-a depreciat semnificativ, zilele acestea coborând la puțin peste 20.000 de dolari. Între timp lucrurile s-au mai calmat, iar la momentul redactării acestui articol Bitcoin s-a stabilizat în jurul a 21.000 de dolari.

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